
Northeast Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association Blog

Check Out the Schedule: NCHPBA Event “Refueling the Fire” May 20 & 21!

11 March 2024

Golf Tournament, Sunday, May 19!

The Schedule is a work in progress, please continue to check the registration page for updates!

Register HERE for Golf and/or to attend the event!

Monday Schedule

Northeastern Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association - Refueling the Fire

Tuesday Schedule

Northeastern Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association - Refueling the Fire

From the Desk of NCHPBA President, Joe Holland

8 November 2023

Hello North Central HPBA Members,

I hope you have all had a great start to the new season. Hopefully the early snow helped many of you. We have quite a bit going on and a lot of great things happening here in NCHPBA! First, we’d like to congratulate Karen Teske-Osborn on her retirement! KTO has given NCHPBA 27 very dedicated years, and we all wish her the best of luck and health as she enjoys some well-deserved time off. KTO, thankyou for all you have done for NCHPBA and our industry!

The NCHPBA board has hired Karen Arpino to be the new Executive Director of the North Central region. Karen comes to us from industry, she is the Executive Director for the Northeast Region which is made up of New England and New York. She went to college at Purdue University and spent quite a bit of time in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Iowa during those years. Although she admits it’s been over 20 years since she has been to this part of the country, she is very much looking forward to visiting us soon, in fact, visiting both Dakota’s and enjoying a Bloody Mary at Sobelman’s Bar in WI are both on her bucket list!

Along with this transition, we’ll be introducing electronic invoices and the option for credit card payments through our brand-new website, northcentralhpba.org. Please check it out! You’ll be able to renew or join online, register for events, and keep up-to-date on all the industry news in our region and nationally.

Speaking of events:

Save the date for our annual event at Chula Vista, May 19-21, 2024. We are looking forward to seeing you all there. But we hope to see you at HPBExpo in Nashville, TN, Feb 13-15, 2024, first!

We’ve also updated the NCHPBA social media pages, please “like, follow and share!” We’ll be posting here regularly throughout the week, and we’d love to share your business news here too. Send us funny pics, job listings, new hires, milestones, success stories, new NFI certifications, or information on events you may be hosting. We’ll post them for you!

There are a couple of housekeeping items of note.

  • New email address: karpino@northcentralhpba.org – please add this address to your contact list to ensure you receive NCHPBA communications.
  • New NCHPBA phone number: 978.440.0344
  • New NCHPBA Mailing Address: NCHPBA, PO Box 27, Sudbury, MA 01776

Keep a lookout for our newsletters, invoices, HPBExpo information, Government Affairs updates, Save-the-Date information and more!

Enjoy the season, and feel free to reach out to Karen, any of the board members, or me with any questions you may have.


Joe Holland 

President, NCHPBA


12 October 2023

Illegal Ban Could Devastate Businesses, Trigger Higher Prices, and Jeopardize the Electric Grid

Coalition of Businesses and Labor Say “Enough is Enough”

Plaintiffs Support the Transition to Greener Energy – But This Policy Is Tasked to the Federal Government, Not the States  

Similar Law Struck Down in Berkeley, California

Albany, New York, (October 12, 2023) --- A coalition representing businesses and workers filed a lawsuit in Federal Court in the Northern District of New York today, accusing New York State of violating federal law by banning gas appliances and infrastructure in new buildings beginning December 31, 2025.

The suit seeks to declare the ban invalid and to block its enforcement on the grounds that it is preempted by federal energy law, the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA).

The suit is filed on behalf of businesses and workers who will feel the effects of this law. The plaintiffs include: Mulhern Gas Company; Plumbing Contractors Association of Long Island; National Association of Home Builders; New York State Builders Association; National Propane Gas Association; New York Propane Gas Association; Northeast Hearth Patio & Barbecue Association; Holmes Mechanical; Master Plumbers Council of New York; IBEW Local 1049; Plumbers Local 200; IBEW Local 97; and TWU Local 101.

The unintended consequences of this illegal law are widespread and could negatively affect residents and communities from Niagara to Riverhead. Those effects could include:

  • Forcing businesses to downsize, close or move out of New York.
  • Sparking layoffs and reduced hiring needs.
  • Triggering a significant increase in energy prices.
  • Exacerbating the State’s housing affordability crisis.
  • Jeopardizing the reliability of an already overburdened electric grid.

New York’s gas ban is preempted by federal law, is contrary to the public interest, and harms plaintiffs and the members they represent. 

Earlier this year, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in California unanimously struck down a similar gas infrastructure ban in Berkeley, California. The court held that Berkeley’s ban on gas piping concerned the energy use of appliances covered by the federal Energy Policy and Conservation Act and was therefore illegal.

“Our clients are strong supporters of the State’s climate goals, but the ban puts our clients and their members at risk,” said Sarah Jorgensen, counsel for plaintiffs.  “A mandate banning gas now is not reasonable or affordable, when New York’s grid is already overburdened.  And regardless, New York must comply with the law.”  Courtland Reichman, counsel for plaintiffs and RJLF’s Managing Partner, also noted that “a patchwork system for national energy policy is unworkable. Nationally uniform standards on energy use and energy efficiency are the best way to promote conservation goals while ensuring energy security, domestic supply, and consumer choice.”

"Tens of thousands of hard-working people in the national gas industry depend on their jobs. We embrace the goals of the CLCPA, and we support making the changes necessary to combat climate change. As a Business Manager, I am committed to advocating for the hardworking members of IBEW Local 1049. Their unwavering support and trust in me compel me to protect their invaluable jobs tirelessly. I am proud to safeguard their interests with utmost passion and dedication," said Pat Guidice, Business Manager, IBEW Local 1049.

“Hundreds of plumbers on Long Island rely on new construction to feed their families and pay their mortgages. This illegal law has basically ripped the rug out from underneath them. It’s not about ‘what if’ things turn negative. We are already seeing new construction leave Long Island. We are in full support of a green economy, but we should talk about how to transition without ruining lives. Our message to the lawmakers who passed this bill without thinking of our 600 members and their families on Long Island: enough is enough,” said Jimmy Russo, President of the Plumbing Contractors Association of Long Island.

“Local 200 and its members lead Long Island in the installation of cutting-edge gas technologies, including those related to gas installations in homes, hospitals, and commercial facilities. Natural gas is an essential transitional fuel that will help our nation as we move to greener energy sources. Our energy economy is in transition and federal law has set the standards that are guiding our industry. New York’s gas ban will unnecessarily hurt New York workers by removing our members’ jobs at time when we are already leading the nation in the expansion of alternative energy for New York residents. Local 200 stands with our members and joins this action to ensure the energy transition is completed via a unified national program and not an ad-hoc, state-by-state basis,” said Richard Brooks, Business Manager, Plumbers Local Union No. 200.

“There won’t be a ‘just transition’ to a greener economy for NYC’s blue-collar utility workers if this rushed ban on gas appliances and service goes into effect. New York will be destroying good union jobs that sustain working families in neighborhoods across the outer boroughs today and will be needed to sustain them the future. And the truth is New York’s electrical grid is not even close to being prepared for this forced changeover to an all electric NYC and state. Until the grid has the capacity to run an all-electric New York, this is simply not good policy. In fact, it is a betrayal of working New Yorkers,” said Constance Bradley, President, TWU Local 101.

“My family has worked for the people of the Hudson Valley for over a century. We have worked in blizzards, heatwaves, and tropical storms to deliver, install, and service propane equipment. Now, we have no idea what the future holds. We agree that a greener economy is necessary, but we must figure out how to implement a smooth transition that does not unnecessarily raise costs and impose burdens on families,” said Rick Cummings from Mulhern Gas Co.  

The case is Mulhern Gas Co. v. Rodriguez in the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York.  

About Reichman Jorgensen Lehman & Feldberg LLP

Reichman Jorgensen Lehman & Feldberg LLP (RJLF) is an elite national trial firm that handles high-stakes commercial litigation, intellectual property, climate change litigation, and white collar disputes. From offices in Silicon Valley, New York, Washington, D.C., Austin, and Atlanta, the firm tries cases and argues appeals throughout the country. For more information, visit www.reichmanjorgensen.com

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Members of the North Central Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (NCHPBA) and its regional Affiliates are the leading companies that produce, sell, or service appliances and accessories in the hearth and barbecue industries in North America. Join today to take advantage of all the benefits your company will receive.